this game is so great and I hope they make a sequel...someday
this game is so great and I hope they make a sequel...someday
But its been dropped by development and its sad because the app now consistently crashes on ios9 so you need to keep reloading the game to play. Perhaps this is indicative of Apples App Store policy that encourages developers to abandon apps as they only make profit on making new apps and nothing to maintain their current ones. Once sales drop and as the app has made a critical mass of paid users, just walk away and make something new. Finger to the paid customers if it doesnt work with new iOS releases
Worst game ever!!
I had to free up some space on my iPad mini, but it is totally worth it! Fun, addictive, great design built on physics. A great game for engineers!
Im in love with this game
わざわざ高いHD買ったけど 画質ぜんっぜん良くない.. ホントにHD??? ゲームは面白いのにソレを打ち消されるほど残念です あとアイコンかえてほしい Please change icon!!!
I love playing World of Goo : )
This is a very nice game. So please,Japan language aware.
Need to be modified for new 2048x1536 pixel resolution Graphics seems bad on new ipad Plz fix it
Support for iPhone 5 screen please!
This app is not working on iphone 6. You should write this on description. I paid for this and couldnt play. Waiting for update.
This game not HD for iPad retina screen. Game is looking bad and blurry!
This is even more fun here then on the pc!!:)
See the title. This game is incredibly fun and worth every penny one has to pay for it! Dont hesitate!
It is the best iohone game that i have ever played. Hughly recommended
Thanks a lot, this is one of the best games ever! You rock!
Sarebbe eccezionale ma con ios8 crasha continuamente
I love this game! Its something that everybody should get and I mean no kidding about that. Im serious, even though some of the levels I had to skip since they were too hard, it doesnt matter, very great game, and graphix, 10/10, 5 *****. Your still reading? Stop reading and get this game already! GET IT!
Love the game, but I have sound on my iPad Air 2. Works great on my iPhone 6s Plus, MacBook Pro, and Windows laptop.
Very unique and charming game...subversive undertones for gamers looking for more too