At the end of the game, after the credits youll see a sign and more saying 99¢ when you go to the right youll see a cabin with a sign and another that says 99¢ and 1 that says open. So you talk with this guy (goo ball) and soon when you get a 99¢ thing (not literally 99¢) a blimp will pop up from the dead end of the road and its end then youll see the blimp from the title screen, go to it and the level will be called "mighty blimp" I say "the mighty blimp" and youll go to it and youll see the blimp with a sign attached to it and the sign will say "I bought a blimp" I personally love this Easter egg for the iOS and I felt like starring at it for half an hour. So yah, the mighty blimp!!
Comment bellow plz if youd like ;)
Ps: if you go to that guy again he will be closed but hell still talk to you and please say that you like the blimp (even if you dont, just to be nice) another ps: I dont know if you have to complete all levels but comment in bellow please to tell me I just want to know plz wait did I already right this comment?!
KG4UAN about World of Goo